API General Use
The Euphoria API is a basic Request and Response type environment. The data that is returned can be cached for up
to 30 seconds, to eliminate load under frequent use.
Usage Requirements
- Requests must be HTTPS
- Must contain Tenant information, and an Authentication Key (see: Obtaining an API Key)
- Must contain Action Name (see: API Action Name Reference)
- XML must be wrapped in Document Element
The API will require authentication on each request. No requests will be possible without the Tenant Name and
Authentication Key. (see: Obtaining an API Key)
Obtaining an API Key
- Log into the TMS
- Select the PBX the API needs to be on.
- Navigate to the API Manager. (If this option is not available, please contact the support company, and ask for
the API Manager to be enabled.).
- Depending on which TMS is being used, the user will select either “API Auth Codes” or “API Manager”.
- Once loaded, the user can click on “Add API Key” and type in a relevant name for the API key.
- The TMS will then provide the user with a new API Authorization code.
Obtaining a Tenant Name
A Tenant name is a unique reference that is used to identify a specific PBX. Follow the below steps to obtain the
Tenant Name:
- Log into the TMS but do not select the account. (Under an account there will either be a field called “Name”
“Account”. In this field there will be a unique one-word name which will be the Tenant Name).
- Log into the TMS, select the PBX the API should be used on.
- Navigate to Extension Manager
- Extensions
- Click on any extension
- Click on the “Send Password” button. (This will open a pop-up window information.)
- One of the fields will provide SIP username. The SIP username is made up of two parts that is separated with a
dash (-): Extension Number - Tenant Name
Error Handling
If the request returns with an error, it will be structured as follows:
Error checking level of code should be inserted to handle the Error response. The system should never send back a
500 Error or typical HTTP error code Unless the API server is unavailable the system will return with a 200 OK
Error Reference
Input XML not loaded:The XML structure provided is incorrect, check that the XML contains the
header and the appropriate XML open enclosing nodes.
No Document Element:No document element could be found. Ensure that the case is correct.
Authorization Failed:Either the Name or Auth fields did not contain the correct information.
No Action Defined:No Action Name was provided.
Incorrect Input Parameters. Please check documentation:The required fields have not been
check the Action Name reference page.
I'm sorry, connection to one or more of the databases failed: An internal error where the API
failed to establish a connection to one or more of Euphoria’s Databases.
That username is not part of this Tenant:The required field passed does not contain information
relating to this Tenant Name.
Permission Denied:The request does not have permission to access the ActionName.
Sip Server not found:Sip Server for the Tenant is unavailable.
Concurrent API Calls Exceeded:The amount of concurrent calls exceeds 3 for this specific request.
Action Name Not Found:The ActionName in the request does not exist.